
Sunday 18 January 2015

Java Memory Model

  1. Each thread running in the Java virtual machine has its own thread stack.
  2. The thread stack also contains all local variables for each method being executed (all methods on the call stack). A thread can only access it's own thread stack. Local variables created by a thread are invisible to all other threads than the thread who created it. Even if two threads are executing the exact same code, the two threads will still create the local variables of that code in each their own thread stack.
  3. The heap contains all objects created in your Java application, regardless of what thread created the object.
  4. An object may contain methods and these methods may contain local variables. These local variables are also stored on the thread stack, even if the object the method belongs to is stored on the heap.
  5. As already mentioned, the Java memory model and the hardware memory architecture are different. The hardware memory architecture does not distinguish between thread stacks and heap. On the hardware, both the thread stack and the heap are located in main memory. Parts of the thread stacks and heap may sometimes be present in CPU caches and in internal CPU registers.
  6. The volatile keyword can make sure that a given variable is read directly from main memory, and always written back to main memory when updated.
  7. With non-volatile variables there are no guarantees about when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) reads data from main memory into CPU caches, or writes data from CPU caches to main memory.
  8. A synchronized instance method in Java is synchronized on the instance (object) owning the method. Thus, each instance has its synchronized methods synchronized on a different object: the owning instance. Only one thread can execute inside a synchronized instance method. If more than one instance exist, then one thread at a time can execute inside a synchronized instance method per instance. One thread per instance.
  9. A thread that calls wait() on any object becomes inactive until another thread calls notify() on that object. In order to call either wait() or notify the calling thread must first obtain the lock on that object. In other words, the calling thread must call wait() or notify() from inside a synchronized block.
  10. Once a thread calls wait() it releases the lock it holds on the monitor object. This allows other threads to call wait() or notify() too, since these methods must be called from inside a synchronized block.
  12. The ThreadLocal class in Java enables you to create variables that can only be read and written by the same thread. Thus, even if two threads are executing the same code, and the code has a reference to a ThreadLocal variable, then the two threads cannot see each other's ThreadLocal variables.

  13.  As I have mentioned earlier, if two threads are both reading and writing to a shared variable, then using the volatilekeyword for that is not enough. You need to use synchronization in that case to guarantee that the reading and writing of the variable is atomic.
    But in case one thread reads and writes the value of a volatile variable, and other threads only read the variable, then the reading threads are guaranteed to see the latest value written to the volatile variable. Without making the variable volatile, this would not be guaranteed.


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